Youth At- Risk

In north Thailand there are many people, many languages and many hill tribes. Especially in Chiang Rai, there are many hill tribe people living in unsafe situations, without what they need to live. They live in the midst of risk. They live in fear, with sickness, without food, clothes and unable to go to school.At the moment, without any help, they have no hope for a joyful future …..

Monday, March 8, 2010


Nuhtuh Lahunuht (nickname Min) is a 16 year old girl who lives in Chiang Rai in Hoibahgun Village. She attends school and is in Grade 9. We met Min when she started attending English classes. We believe that God has brought her to us.She lives with her relatives as her parents have separated and have not looked after her for many years. Her relative’s son is an alcoholic and she does not feel safe at home. He becomes destructive and violent when he is drunk. She tells us about night times when she has to move the television to a safe place so that it does not get broken.We must do something for Min to take her away from this danger. She is excited at the thought of living with us. For this to happen, we will need donations for her food and others living costs. Where we live is close to her school and she will not need to pay for the van anymore. At the moment she studies very hard. When she finishes school she would like to be a doctor.


Nullay Juhtuh (nickname Hai) is 17 years old and lives in a private dormitory. She is in Grade 9. Four years ago her parents left her in the care of a different couple. These people were not very kind and treated her as a slave. She had to get up early to work for them and was too exhausted to do her school work at night. When it was too much she went to live in a dormitory. The couple stopped paying for her to live there and now she owes 3000 Baht (about $A100) for each year.Hai felt very lonely and unhappy as her family are very poor and turned their back on her. The dormitory where she lives is run by a hill tribe different to hers. They have a church service that she can go to, but as it is not in her language she cannot understand. When Hai came to English class she said that it made her feel warm and like it was home. She enjoys coming to guitar lessons here and also the Worship Centre service as it is in her language. She prays that the Lord would bring her a brighter life. As she has no way of paying for her dormitory, we would like her to live with us. At present we have no budget for this and need donations or a sponsor. After school she would like to study a Bachelor of Arts in English and Chinese.

If you can sponsor one of these children please contact us:

426/79, M.3, Kokgalae Village, Rim kok, Muang, Chiang Rai, Thailand, 57000,

Phone: +66 843633788